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Rockweiler Ale

Rockweiler Ale

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
American Triple Golden Ale

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Rocky IV

Rocky IV

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Russian Imperial Stout

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Rosewood Red

Rosewood Red

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
American Amber / Red Ale

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Rum Barrel Aged Citra Dog W/ Mandarin Oranges

Rum Barrel Aged Citra Dog W/ Mandarin Oranges

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
American IPA

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Rum Barrel Aged Wulver

Rum Barrel Aged Wulver

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy

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Rye ESB Anniversary Ale 2005

Rye ESB Anniversary Ale 2005

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Rye Extra Special / Strong Bitter (Rye ESB)

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Rye Pale Ale

Rye Pale Ale

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
American Rye Pale Ale

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Saaz Anniversary Batch 1995-2015

Saaz Anniversary Batch 1995-2015

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
German Pilsner

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Saison D

Saison D'Chardonnay

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Saison / Farmhouse Ale

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Saison D

Saison D'Lux

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Saison / Farmhouse Ale

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