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Santa’s Hot Coco

Santa’s Hot Coco

Simple Roots Brewing Company
American Coconut Chocolate Stout

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Simple Hermit (Collaboration with Hermit Thrush)

Simple Hermit (Collaboration with Hermit Thrush)

Simple Roots Brewing Company

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Simple Pils

Simple Pils

Simple Roots Brewing Company
American Pilsner

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Simple Stout

Simple Stout

Simple Roots Brewing Company
American Stout

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Slice of Paradise

Slice of Paradise

Simple Roots Brewing Company
Fruit Kölsch

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Simple Roots Brewing Company
Belgian Saison

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Solace on Brett

Solace on Brett

Simple Roots Brewing Company
American Brett Saison

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Simple Roots Brewing Company
Belgian Sour Fruit Saison

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Sour with Strawberries

Sour with Strawberries

Simple Roots Brewing Company
American Sour Fruit Ale

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Simple Roots Brewing Company

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