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Sweep The Leg Johnny (Bourbon Barrel Aged)

Sweep The Leg Johnny (Bourbon Barrel Aged)

Short's Brewing Company
American Brown Ale

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Sweet Cheeba

Sweet Cheeba

Short's Brewing Company
American Pale Ale (APA)

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Swirl Stout

Swirl Stout

Short's Brewing Company
English Milk / Sweet Stout

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Short's Brewing Company
New England IPA (NEIPA) / Hazy IPA / Juicy IPA / Murky IPA

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Synalphaeus Pink Floyd!

Synalphaeus Pink Floyd!

Short's Brewing Company
Fruit Sour Gose

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Synalpheus Pinkfloydi

Synalpheus Pinkfloydi

Short's Brewing Company
Sour Gose

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Ten Tickles

Ten Tickles

Short's Brewing Company
American Brut IPA

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Thai Coconut Oatmeal Stout

Thai Coconut Oatmeal Stout

Short's Brewing Company
English Oatmeal Stout

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The Barrelman

The Barrelman

Short's Brewing Company
English IPA

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The Bonsai Project: MI

The Bonsai Project: MI

Short's Brewing Company
American Blonde Ale

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