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Coriander Black Ale

Coriander Black Ale

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Spiced Black Ale

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Coriander Black IPA

Coriander Black IPA

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Spiced Black IPA

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Coriander Meander

Coriander Meander

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
Belgian Spiced Saison

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Coriander Meander - Mitaka Special

Coriander Meander - Mitaka Special

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Spiced Black Ale

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Coriander White

Coriander White

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Spiced White Ale

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Deisui India Amber Ale

Deisui India Amber Ale

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Double / Imperial India Amber / Red Ale

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DIX No.5

DIX No.5

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
American Brown Ale

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Dunkel Weizen

Dunkel Weizen

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)

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E-IPA - Not so Elegant?

E-IPA - Not so Elegant?

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
English IPA

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Extra Special Bitter

Extra Special Bitter

North Island (SOC Brewing Inc.)
English Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)

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