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Oak Aged Grand Cru

Oak Aged Grand Cru

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
Belgian Strong Dark Ale

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Oatmeal Pale ESB

Oatmeal Pale ESB

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
English Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)

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Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
Märzen / Oktoberfest / Festbier

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Ol' Blarney

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
Irish Red Ale

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Ol' Jack Frost Imperial Stout

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
Russian Imperial Stout

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Old Ale

Old Ale

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
English Old Ale

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One Simple Pale

One Simple Pale

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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Organic Ale

Organic Ale

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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Pacific Jade

Pacific Jade

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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Palisades Golden

Palisades Golden

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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