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Hefe' Totaled

Keweenaw Brewing Company

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Hilde's Brown Ale

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Brown Ale

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India Pale Ale

India Pale Ale

Keweenaw Brewing Company
English IPA

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Ionic WCB

Ionic WCB

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Amber / Red Ale

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It's Back I.P.A.

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American IPA

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Kali Yuga IPA

Kali Yuga IPA

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American IPA

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Kraken Malt Liquor

Kraken Malt Liquor

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Malt Liquor

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Lake Effect Lager

Lake Effect Lager

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Light Lager

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Level 92

Level 92

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Black IPA

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Lift Bridge Brown Ale

Lift Bridge Brown Ale

Keweenaw Brewing Company
American Brown Ale

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