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Brewed By: Terrapin Beer Company (MillerCoors)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1017

Style: American Double / Imperial Oatmeal Coffee Stout

Brewed In: 265 Newton Bridge Rd, Athens, GA 30607, USA

ABV: 8.1%

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Wake-n-Bake Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout

Image contributed by: Clutchramspeed

Tasting Notes

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cgiron profile picturecgiron - March 12, 2012
Very dark brown almost black in color with a khaki head that has good retention and leaves a moderate of lace. Poured into pint glass. Coffee and roasted malt dominate the nose. Sweet roasted malt, cereal and coffee on the robust front end with slight bitter coffee finish. Full bodied with minimal carbonation. Absolutely delicious balanced combination of coffee and stout. Most enjoyable brew that I will pursue again and again.
kylesbruce profile picturekylesbruce - February 1, 2012
Wake N Bake
bryanheisergb profile picturebryanheisergb - January 28, 2012
Bonerific brew. Strong coffee flavor. Oatmeal adds that smoothness to it. Must try if a fan of coffee stouts
twa1807 profile picturetwa1807 - January 22, 2012
A very good coffee stout but not quite the best. That honor goes to Founders Breakfast Stout. This beer is a definite redo.
brew hound  profile picturebrew hound - November 17, 2011
Outstanding coffe infused beer incredible stout
brew hound  profile picturebrew hound - November 17, 2011
Wow coffee in the beer Outrageous and delicious
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