Tap Room No. 21 IPA
Brewed By: Tap Room No. 21
Number of Ratings: 156
Style: English IPA
Brewed In: California, United States
ABV: 6.3%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 156
Style: English IPA
Brewed In: California, United States
ABV: 6.3%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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PanMan - August 6, 2017
Not exquisitely hoppy tasting, however, very smooth finish. Creeps up on you. Darker IPA type, stout like in after taste. Very good beer, needs work.
michael.stokes@nhs.net - January 14, 2017
IPA but full, dark & spicy
Ricker888 - December 4, 2016
Easily tolerable but has a kind of bitterness as a slight after taste that I do not quite enjoy.
PhilTheBeerKill - July 31, 2016
Poured from bottle into paper coffe cup (at hotel). Semi aggressive pour. Not too much head.
Slightly grassy, earthy smell. Similar to the last beer I just reviewed, "Long Hammer IPA". Malts more evident, hops provide significant bitterness. Not "flowery" enough for my taste, missing the citrussy notes. Less malts would have for sure benefitted this beer. Somewhat of a full take though. Not a terrible beer, just not a good IPA to me.
Dawgvet - June 22, 2014
Middle of the road IPA. Nice hop flavor but not long lasting
dragoite - May 5, 2014
Pretty tasty. IPA taste.
TropicalTuttiFruitee - April 5, 2014
Had the TR21 pale ale- did not care for it... May have been the day, but i did not finish
festiv1030@yahoo.com - January 14, 2014
There is a lot of things wrong with this. It's bad
mchaney - August 31, 2013
Decent drinkable beer for the $6-7 price when it's on sale at Kroger. Not the best IPA but a notable effort.
accurry - July 28, 2013
Too hoppy for my tastes