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Brewed By: Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH (AB InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2073

Style: Munich Helles Lager

Brewed In: Mars Strasse 46-48, München, 80335, Germany

ABV: 5.20%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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jaymanblue57 profile picturejaymanblue57 - March 16, 2014
My favorite lager
joshroch profile picturejoshroch - February 23, 2014
Good enough substitute for Lowenbrau. One of the Oktoberfest 6.
Commander profile pictureCommander - December 26, 2013
Gute helles bier
jhelberg1 profile picturejhelberg1 - December 10, 2013
Good clean crisp summer-time beer. More taste than generic US lagers, but not much. Great beer to have two of after washing your car or mowing your lawn in July!
Jayhawk92 profile pictureJayhawk92 - September 14, 2013
Not bad, a little bitter but still light.
accurry profile pictureaccurry - July 28, 2013
Nice clean tasting German lager. Not remarkable, but enjoyable.
fredrogers profile picturefredrogers - May 18, 2013
A tad bitter. Ok simple lager
Ern Dog profile pictureErn Dog - February 24, 2013
An exceptional German lager, with an incredible balance of taste and flavor. Cheers, 2/24/13
Beerlessfrog profile pictureBeerlessfrog - September 29, 2012
Smells bad skunky but the taste is much lighter and pleasant. Very slight fruitiness.
chrislowe profile picturechrislowe - August 10, 2012
Flying Saucer, Little Rock, Arkansas. It's OK.
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