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Brewed By: Boulevard Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1642

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 2501 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108-2345, USA

ABV: 5.70%

IBU: 57

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Image contributed by: Cracker

Tasting Notes

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HumpHop44 profile pictureHumpHop44 - April 6, 2015
Seems more like a pale ale. Citrus, light, not much aroma , not crazy hoppy profile - March 22, 2015
clipinski13 profile pictureclipinski13 - January 30, 2015
Full piney aromas with a strong bitter bite laced with bold pine and grapefruit flavors. profile - January 15, 2015
Solid not too hoppy good for Anita profile - January 6, 2015
Decent. Not the best IPA, but not bad by any means. Kind of a sour taste. profile - December 20, 2014
Light IPA. Needs more character
brainstew profile picturebrainstew - November 8, 2014
Medium yellow color with a moderate head. Hops with a mild pine aroma. Flavor profile is pretty typical of an IPA. A nice drinkable beer.
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - October 31, 2014
Good for an ipa
ecologies profile pictureecologies - September 21, 2014
All stink n no bite.
ecologies profile pictureecologies - September 21, 2014
Delicious amazing 420 aroma but no actual flavor. Bitter ending. Smells great, tastes meh.
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