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Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 642

Style: American Strong Ale

Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA

ABV: 25%

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Image contributed by: gavone

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - February 26, 2017 Tastes like a high end port. Very sweet. Amazing.
jmile profile picturejmile - December 7, 2016
This tastes and smells like across between a port and a brandy. Supper smooth and definitely worth trying. Huge tanins. Big flavor. Slight sweet profile - August 7, 2016
Happy birthday to me profile - August 7, 2016
8/7/16 for dad's birthday. Lots of caramel profile - March 10, 2016
A+. The 2015 had aromas of cherry, plum, brandy, sherry and honey. Very complex, not much like a beer, more like a spirit. 2017 was pretty close, I only gave it an A though. Had a 2021 or 2022 and it was rather boozy and les complex B+.
buellxb9s profile picturebuellxb9s - January 1, 2015
Had the '09. Strong, leaves a burn as it goes down. Very much a sipping, not quite beer, more a bourbon. Sweet, slight chocolate or licorice flavor. Smooth, no carbonation.
MSgtJoe profile pictureMSgtJoe - October 23, 2014
Sweet and extremely smooth. You can pick up the Port wine flavors from the final casking. Although wonderful to sip and I have shared this bottle with several folks who all exceptional beer. If you REALLY want a treat, brew a cup of coffee (I do French Press) and put a couple of teaspoons in it. AMAZING!!! profile - June 15, 2014
Unlike any other beer. More of a liquor.
rooster7529 profile picturerooster7529 - December 10, 2013
Great beer really strong bourbon taste great a little hard though profile - June 16, 2013
More brandy then beer. Have be in mood for this one
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