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Brewed By: Anheuser-Busch, Inc.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 614

Style: American Red Lager

Brewed In: Missouri, United States

ABV: 4.80%

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Image contributed by: wrideout

Tasting Notes

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sandan_mark profile picturesandan_mark - July 16, 2012
Look, I get that it's gluten free...but it honestly just tasted weird.
jrklasse profile picturejrklasse - May 15, 2012
As far as gluten-free options go, Red Bridge is a great choice for celiacs and gluten intolerant individuals. Sweeter than other beers in general and decidedly less bitter than its gluten-free competitors, Red Bridge holds its own as a top choice for GF beer-drinkers.
Yotimbo profile pictureYotimbo - March 11, 2012
A light and bubbly gluten-free lager made from sorghum that can be described the true "champagne of beers."
gmurias profile picturegmurias - January 28, 2012
Really odd taste. It almost tastes like Baking soda. Won't try again.
Tek34 profile pictureTek34 - January 26, 2012
Gluten free
Bobby profile pictureBobby - January 15, 2012
So smooth and no bitterness.
wheatfanatic12 profile picturewheatfanatic12 - December 24, 2011
First smell of this beer I knew I wouldn't care for it. But I gave it a shot, 1/2" of head, amber in color. Initial flavor is odd, can't really describe it. It gets a little better the more you taste, then the after taste? Yuck! If you enjoy the flavor of iron or blood then here's your beer. Next time I'll pass on this brew
jeremyh profile picturejeremyh - December 17, 2011
Clear amber color with hardly any head. Little lacing with a faint smell of cherry but little else. Beer has hardly any flavor. Very weak and not to my liking but is easy to drink because it has little to no flavor.
tolashgualris profile picturetolashgualris - November 1, 2011
Taste like a wheat beer with a cherry and cinnamon back tones, even though it is a gluten free beer.
planemech profile pictureplanemech - October 9, 2011
This "beer" worps and twists the definition of beer so much... I'll pass. Never again.
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