Rebel IPA
Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)
Number of Ratings: 3287
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA
ABV: 6.5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 3287
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA
ABV: 6.5%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Hopshunter - March 14, 2014
Good hoppy flavor decent bite not to bitter on the finish. Milder Harpoon IPA alternative IMHO.
beermeseymore - March 13, 2014
Decent hops, very malty.
jsteelman - March 13, 2014
If you're looking for a west coast ipa then forget that. This is not what you want. In a word...crap.
cracktheyank - March 8, 2014
Red IPA. Decent milder than some but smooth. Off for another!
freshbrew42 - March 8, 2014
Very hoppy but bitter ipa
daakness - March 8, 2014
Great ipa taste not too strong smooth
Beeker - March 7, 2014
A full flavor IPA. Red meets IPA. A little bitter with citrus notes.
PA Scout - March 7, 2014
A refreshing crisp taste followed by a hoppy kicking finish. Surprising taste from Sam Adams, in a good way.
jjswizz - March 7, 2014
Nice mild IPA
Jasf316 - March 7, 2014
This beer gave me the sad face. If your expecting a typical IPA style you'll have a sad face as well. It's more like an Irish red with a thimble full of a real IPA mixed in. I bought a 12 pack so it looks like I have something to cook with now.