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Brewed By: Short's Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 48

Style: English Porter

Brewed In: 121 N Bridge St, Bellaire, MI 49615, USA

ABV: 9.15%

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Publican Porter (Imperial London Porter)

Image contributed by: BCR3

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - May 9, 2017
That sir is a good Porter
Beeker profile pictureBeeker - March 15, 2014
Chocolate smokey taste. Dark smooth porter. Average nothing remember able
tgeiger05 profile picturetgeiger05 - March 2, 2014
Bitter smokey flavor with hoppy finish. It does have malty smokey mouth flavors which I like.
boltach profile pictureboltach - February 28, 2014
Good dose of chocolate taste, a little thin but not much carbonation and head. Bottle Feb 2014
BCR3 profile pictureBCR3 - February 15, 2012
Great porter with a light weight. Light smoky mid-taste that doesn't disappoint.