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Brewed By: Clown Shoes

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 92

Style: American Black Ale

Brewed In: 23 Hayward St., Ipswich, MA 01938, USA

ABV: 6.0%

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Image contributed by: JGZig

Tasting Notes

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balbrew13 profile picturebalbrew13 - February 23, 2013
Not a bad beer bit needs some more flavor. Kind of a starter beer or gateway beer for something heavier. Beer hot lost half way on the palate
bbrew13 profile picturebbrew13 - January 27, 2013
Light body. Needs more grain.
Kr8iveBeer profile pictureKr8iveBeer - December 13, 2012
Slightly malty nose. Highly carbonated. Head is frothy and abundant. Malty taste and that is about it. Simple beer with a sting to the tongue. Not much on taste and slightly bitter aftertaste. No orange as the label says.
dongster profile picturedongster - November 28, 2012
Expecting a deep rich flavor but was very disappointing. Not much there
clint profile pictureclint - October 4, 2012
Kennett 2012
witchal profile picturewitchal - July 9, 2012
Pours black with a brown head. Heavy floral nose. Big initial hop taste fades almost immediately. Heavily carbonated. Thin, watery mouthfeel.
witchal profile picturewitchal - July 9, 2012
Pours black with a brown head. Heavy floral nose. Big initial hop taste fades almost immediately. Heavily carbonated. Thin, watery mouthfeel.
Borderking profile pictureBorderking - May 4, 2012
A bit sharp and caustic, and flavor-wise it's a bit weak and watery. The orange-peel adds a nice touch. It's an interesting take on the style, but a bit incomplete. There are better options out there.
jboston profile picturejboston - February 6, 2012
Tasty, good viscosity, nice & hoppy.
ddscroggs profile pictureddscroggs - January 20, 2012
This tasted like carbonated water. It did nothing for me at all.