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Brewed By: Long Trail Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2273

Style: Altbier

Brewed In: 5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035, USA

ABV: 4.6%

IBU: 25

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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lights profile picturelights - August 25, 2015
Crisp and refreshing some bitter taste but not strong profile - July 7, 2015
Missing something. Harsh bitterness without crisp nose
clipinski13 profile pictureclipinski13 - June 16, 2015
Limp, weak, and forgettable. You'll forget this brew faster than Hillary forgot she was using a private server for government business.
Xavier profile pictureXavier - December 29, 2014
Crisp nose. Slightly bitter and malty. Some character but not great.
fmercury profile picturefmercury - December 28, 2014
Fairly bitter but not too bad. I couldn't drink a lot of these.
mjr@matchboxcar.ner profile picturemjr@matchboxcar.ner - December 7, 2014
Pretty good
Jedwardlasko profile pictureJedwardlasko - October 24, 2014
Tried this one at Erie's "Beer on the Bay" and it is excellent! Way underrated here on Brewgene.
lilbabyjesus profile picturelilbabyjesus - October 7, 2014
Little too bitter for a amber ale.
cbaker profile picturecbaker - September 24, 2014
28 ibu. Nice finish.
MontereyJack profile pictureMontereyJack - July 24, 2014
Smooth with little aftertaste.
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