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Brewed By: Long Trail Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2273

Style: Altbier

Brewed In: 5520 US Route 4, Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035, USA

ABV: 4.6%

IBU: 25

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - February 11, 2017
Nice medium ale. Not too strong. Not too hoppy.
doodlebug profile picturedoodlebug - February 6, 2017
Rather bitter
cbonilla1122 profile picturecbonilla1122 - November 24, 2016
Taste more like a lager. Easy to drink, but not much flavor
vreveron profile picturevreveron - September 15, 2016
Very light
beercheers profile picturebeercheers - July 19, 2016
Full bodied amber ale Not hoppy
kanazawa profile picturekanazawa - March 26, 2016
28 IBU 5.0 ABV. Smooth. Could almost be a good session beer.
combobulate56 profile picturecombobulate56 - February 15, 2016
Not too bad. Haven't had beer in a while, it was a decent ale for my first taste in a few months
superdeckman profile picturesuperdeckman - December 8, 2015
S'okay. Smells malty and is malty. Drinkable but forgettable.
mikesull profile picturemikesull - November 1, 2015
Definitely good amount of flavor just not my style ... Second time much better - on tap at the local warring hole profile - September 19, 2015
Low hops bland finish
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