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Brewed By: Micro-Brasserie L'Alchimiste

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 6

Style: Russian Imperial Stout

Brewed In: Quebec, Canada

ABV: 7.9%

IBU: 60

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Image contributed by: kisser

Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - December 23, 2012
Pours a fizzy audible beige-ish to light brown head of moderate retention and creamy lacing. Aroma is of chocolate predominantly with a touch of alcohol. Taste is malty sweet up front with a dry cocoa finish that lingers moderately. Body is a bit thin for the style but an excellent imperial for the price point.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 29, 2012
Slight fizzy mocha head with moderate retention and pleasant, but fleeting lace. Aromas primarily of chocolate covered cherries and tastes of bittersweet chocolate and coffee. A bit too carbonated and tingly in the finish if sufficiently creamy and moderately bodied throughout. A good IS if not a great one, and ideal as a year-round $2.59 bottle at my local shop!
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - April 15, 2012
Nice and smooth, but not phenomenal