Kentucky Ryed Chiquen
Brewed By: Against the Grain Brewery
Number of Ratings: 32
Style: Rye Beer
Brewed In: 401 E Main St, Louisville, KY 40202-1110, USA
ABV: 8.6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 32
Style: Rye Beer
Brewed In: 401 E Main St, Louisville, KY 40202-1110, USA
ABV: 8.6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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xman - May 23, 2017
Sharp, biting, and boozy. Really good.
jgraves - October 4, 2015
Strong alcohol taste
dlitolff - July 9, 2015
Interesting beer. Rye spice with bourbon. Highly carbonated. Very nice. Bottle, July 2015.
Cellar Dweller - June 29, 2015
Wow! Wasn't expecting it to be that good. Pours a murky dark amber with a massive frothy tan head that will not go away. Thousands of tiny bubbles dance to the top of the glass. Smells of a clean rye grass. First taste is a huge rye bite followed by a bit of oak, but all of it is enveloped in a wonderful sweet vanilla and a gentle warm alcohol burn. Three warnings; 1) the gentlest pour will release a massive head, 2) expensive-13.99 for 25.4 oz, 3) it will fuck you up. Delicious! Awesome beer!
warpig33 - February 15, 2015
Only 8.6 ABV. Good taste. Not too overpowering with whiskey taste.
a hungri bear - June 19, 2014
18JUN14, Against the Grain, Louisville, KY
Draft, mini-pint, cask version
Pours a clear dark amber with a 2-finger off-white head. Aroma is mild and had a hint of molasses-vanilla-boozy bourbon quality to it. It's faint, but there. The flavor is super smooth, and continues that same character. It's a medium mouthfeel, that starts smooth and malty, then a kick of bourbon, fading away with some bourbon dancing over the malt flavor's corpse. It's not the full aromatic wonderful was of bourbon. It's a hint of the harsh booziness that's typically covered up by the rye and molasses and vanilla. It's not terrible though. The malt puts up a good fight, and isn't defeated until the judge's decision. Definitely doesn't taste like a heavy-hitter (>7.5%). I'd probably drink again, but maybe just one, as if want to move onto newer and greener pastures. If I spend more time with this beer, I could be easily convinced to love the subtleties behind the flavor.