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Brewed By: Rahr & Sons Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 236

Style: Scottish Ale

Brewed In: 701 Galveston Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA

ABV: 8%

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Image contributed by: Blo_Jim

Tasting Notes

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ABlack6817 profile pictureABlack6817 - March 27, 2016
Very nicely balanced Weeheavy! My favorite so far.
GeneralThade profile pictureGeneralThade - April 16, 2015
Dark color, toasty, balanced sweetness. I am not a great fan of Scottish malts, but I think this fits the criteria, and is very good.
sfarquhar profile picturesfarquhar - March 18, 2015
Great beer great taste strong beer dark toasty flavor with a hint on hops
victor90907 profile picturevictor90907 - March 13, 2015
Soooo good!
mabelthescamp profile picturemabelthescamp - March 3, 2015
Good for one, slight bitter after taste - good for one not a 6 pack
TrevorT profile pictureTrevorT - February 25, 2015
Pretty good beer. Color is a very dark brown with no typical red color or head to speak of. The aroma is light (or my nose is off) with soft malts and semi-sweet chocolate notes. The taste is heavy dark, organic chocolate with a lot of earthiness. Not a typical Scottish ale. 3.5 of 5 stars. profile - January 15, 2015
Dark and malty-ER
Texas276 profile pictureTexas276 - October 10, 2014
So freaking good
DeadPhish profile pictureDeadPhish - September 17, 2014
It's good. I'm not too familiar with the style but it was tasty. Almost stouty with a nice chocolate finish
cocamide profile picturecocamide - July 30, 2014
Strong sweet malty aroma. Complex, raisins and other dark fruits. Maybe a but too sweet, but lots of flavor.
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