Iron Maiden Trooper
Brewed By: Robinsons Family Brewers
Number of Ratings: 502
Style: English Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
Brewed In: Unicorn Brewery, Stockport, SK1 1JJ, England, UK
ABV: 4.7%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 502
Style: English Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
Brewed In: Unicorn Brewery, Stockport, SK1 1JJ, England, UK
ABV: 4.7%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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Cellar Dweller - December 15, 2015
Nice! Strong ESB. Dark amber with little to no head. Light malt smell. Kind of a wet leaf flavor. Really smooth easy drinker. Great artwork and probably the best cap I've ever seen. This beer is a real trooper!
Beerguy33 - November 17, 2015
11/17/15 - Bottle into a Bootleggers tulip glass. Pours a translucent cooper/Amber color. Almost a dark gold. Small beige fluffy head that disappeared fast but left behind excellent lacing. Aroma is malt, caramel and toast. Taste is toasted malt, caramel, and some citrus. Slightly bitter finish and medium body and mouthfeel. It my favorite style but if you like ESB's, then you'll probably enjoy it.
Beerguy33 - November 17, 2015
11/17/15 - Bottle poured into Bootleggers Tulip glass. Pours a translucent cooper/Amber in color. Almost a dark gold color. Small, creamy/puffy, off-white head that disappeared fast but left good lacing. Aroma of bread, roasty malt and caramel. Taste is same with some spices and also citrus. Slightly bitter finish with a medium mouthfeel and body. Not my favorite style so I wouldn't have it again but if you like ESB's then you'd probably enjoy it.
PatrickBigsby - October 4, 2015
Inoffensive. - September 2, 2015
Best beer I've ever had - August 4, 2015
La Trooper è una Birra dall’alta fermentazione, con una gradazione alcolica tipicamente da Ale inglese che si ferma sui 4,7%, con un aroma profondo e intenso di malto, limone e radice di liquirizia. Per questo è il perfetto abbinamento alla musica dei Maiden, dei quali esprime pienamente la carica e la grinta. Un colore ramato che è un piacere per gli occhi e soprattutto un profumo leggero di luppolo e leggermente fruttato. Di sicuro una cosa è certa: il suo pregio maggiore è la sua bevibilità !
Baldydoublechins - July 12, 2015
I'm sure it's not the worst celebrity beer I'm sure but oh hh the can! Go Eddie!
rihoffman - July 7, 2015
Malty, medium flavor. Nice 7/6/15 - June 28, 2015
superdeckman - June 28, 2015
Pours Amber with a frothy head. Smells Bready and slightly hopped. Roasted sweet and bready. Malt bomb really. Hearty beer good in fall.