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Brewed By: Fegley's BrewWorks

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 95

Style: American Triple IPA (TIPA)

Brewed In: 569 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018, USA

ABV: 11.5%

IBU: 74

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Image contributed by: EaglesFan

Tasting Notes

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fulton3one profile picturefulton3one - February 20, 2017
Little hoppy and bitter
Inxsm3 profile pictureInxsm3 - February 19, 2016
Citrus, bread and a bit boozy
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - February 14, 2015
Not a big double ipa but this was impressive.. Strong hop start but such a smooth mellow finish.. Hard to believe it's 11%..heavy grapefruit flavor also
HomerHomer's Beer Odyssey - February 4, 2015
APPEARANCE - Bubbles, light, clear, foamy, 2FH that lasts, a lot of lacing. AROMA/SCENT - Hops, pine, grain. TASTE - Hops, malts, nutty, pine. MOUTHFEEL/PALATE/TEXTURE - Good carbonation, dry, bubbly, clean, light, crisp. VALUE - 4-pack $11.99. Great buy. OVERALL/DRINKABILITY - Just a hint of boozy, but still quite a pleasant Imperial.
HSAlegend02 profile pictureHSAlegend02 - January 5, 2015
smooth and creamy, not too hoppy for my taste, great for 11.5% abv
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - January 5, 2015
The Brett yeast gives this ipa a subtle sweetness/ smokiness and certainly mellows out the hops.. Huge abv which I like but not one Im ordering on a consistent basis.. Worth a try though...3 stars
sprindle profile picturesprindle - September 9, 2014
Sweet and not at all like an IPA
EaglesFan profile pictureEaglesFan - August 25, 2013
Strong hop taste, very good beer!