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Brewed By: Nodding Head Brewery and Restaurant

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 84

Style: American Amber / Red Ale

Brewed In: Pennsylvania, United States

ABV: ?

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Hophead Red

Image contributed by: lasvegasrealtor

Tasting Notes

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tonybiblerocks profile picturetonybiblerocks - June 6, 2014
I'm not an IPAS guy but my friends are and give this is a 4 star to them.
aliciadunn profile picturealiciadunn - July 27, 2013
Strong & smooth!
MyCoal profile pictureMyCoal - June 26, 2013
Good mix of an IPA and red ale. Hoppy, tasteful, and smooth, yet has a bite. ABV 7%
DaniRae profile pictureDaniRae - January 27, 2013
Sweet Med. bodied beer with a slight hop
smells like poor profile picturesmells like poor - June 26, 2012
A: Amber color with two finger tab head. Little lacing. A: pine, malt, brown sugar, a little floral. Malt sweetness is the most prominent note. T: A bit of bitterness and pine up front. Segues into malt, brown sugar, and grapefruit. There's definitely a malt backbone in this. M: medium body with moderate carbonation O: Doesn't stack up against nugget nectar. Not very complex.
KenWatson82 profile pictureKenWatson82 - January 28, 2012
Dark red and full of flavor