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Brewed By: Great Divide Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1402

Style: English Old Ale

Brewed In: 2201 Arapahoe Street, Denver, CO 80205, USA

ABV: 8.10%

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Image contributed by: punky22

Tasting Notes

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DumDoug profile pictureDumDoug - December 6, 2015
Has a strong coffee aftertaste
mbaver profile picturembaver - December 1, 2015
Solid English ale. Pretty strong but would buy more.
jmile profile picturejmile - August 1, 2015
Sweet back hints of chocolate. Caramel and complex
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - April 21, 2015
Dark chestnut brown in color with a quickly dissipating khaki head that leaves layered rims of lacing down the glass. Aromatic notes of creamy coffee and nutty. Slight hints of boozy toffee. A nice complex balanced old ale there are layers of flavors in this medium body beer. Very smooth and malty sweet at the forward opening up to coffee nutty and toffee flavors, ending with a slight bitter hop finish. Let it warm up a bit to unlock a more robust mix of flavors. Very tasty would definitely have again. A strong complex beer.
brewer88 profile picturebrewer88 - February 13, 2015
Sweet and roasty, toffee and nutty. This is a nice complex balanced winter ale! Even better when it warms up a bit. Swirl it around in your mouth a bit and release more flavors.
Dawgvet profile pictureDawgvet - February 10, 2015
Sweet beginning with coffee undertones
hopppym profile picturehopppym - January 24, 2015
Dark and malty nice
phickey23 profile picturephickey23 - December 25, 2014
Dark brown winter ale. Decent flavor and full beer. Not necessarily my taste but works for something different
HughCarol profile pictureHughCarol - December 18, 2014
Deep dark brown almost like a brown ale in color. Super toasty malty aroma. Coffee colored head that dissipates rather quickly. Some bubbles. Medium body. Malty and boozy with a pleasant hop finish. apricots? Black cherries maybe? profile - November 28, 2014
It grows on me. Kinda brown aleish. Little harsh
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