Hell or High Watermelon
Brewed By: 21st Amendment Brewery
Number of Ratings: 2198
Style: American Fruit Wheat Ale
Brewed In: 563 2nd St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
ABV: 4.9%
IBU: 17
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Number of Ratings: 2198
Style: American Fruit Wheat Ale
Brewed In: 563 2nd St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
ABV: 4.9%
IBU: 17
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Tasting Notes
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mjbvolley - July 4, 2012
Cream style with hint of watermelon, the wife would give it five stars
tlindh373 - June 27, 2012
Light watermelon flavor, wish it was stronger. Not much other taste. Very light wheat.
motherbrew4 - June 24, 2012
Regular fresh light beer taste with a hint of watermelon at the end
pogo177 - June 12, 2012
Hazy canteloupe color. White head but went away quickly. Nice fresh aroma. Watermelon washes over the tongue and ends with a refreshing aftertaste.
gfap61 - June 7, 2012
Drank like a pilsner
buellxb9s - May 29, 2012
Nice flavor for a wheat. Noticeable watermelon flavor. Nice summer brew.
buellxb9s - May 29, 2012
Nice flavor for a wheat. Noticeable watermelon flavor. Nice summer brew.
ABSTRACTlegend - May 27, 2012
Doesn't even taste like beer, the can art is the best pat about this beer
Klamb78 - May 24, 2012
Great for its unique combo. Good for a refreshing drink. Not too sweet like some wheats but I think the wheat beer flavor gets lost. Like it for an after a long day of work drink.
pagnani - May 18, 2012
For a flavored beer: light crisp, slight straw taste. Easy to drink . Slight citrus/ watermelon taste- not at all too much. Well done