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Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1761

Style: Irish Dry Stout

Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire

ABV: 4.2%

IBU: 40

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Guinness Draught

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - March 23, 2020
Pours opaque dark chocolate brown with creamy tan head. chocolate malt aroma that is thick and lingers. Creamy mouth feel strong coffee flavor holds on but not bitter.
IAPOA drummer profile pictureIAPOA drummer - March 18, 2020
I have drank Guinness my entire life and always enjoyed it. Then, about five years ago, dove into the IPA world. Just had a Guinness for old time sake and it was just not good. Clearly, my palette has changed and there is no going back. Guinness has no bite, no punch, bland flavor that is just not good.
mellowman profile picturemellowman - May 28, 2018
I cannot believe I have not rated this yet. Very nice malty brew.
JasonRosenberg profile pictureJasonRosenberg - August 5, 2017
Really loses out without the nitro. Just not as good as the can.
Dr Why profile pictureDr Why - February 18, 2017
It's been a while since I had a Guinness Stout but at the time I didn't like it. So I can't fairly compare this "draught" (which is a puzzle in itself because to me draught of draft in US is a non-pasteurized beer from a keg) to Guinness's regular Stout. But this one is mild and quiet tasty! profile - January 24, 2017
B+. Nothing wrong with this, just too many out there that I prefer. Light body, roast flavor with a very light roasted aroma.
AlaFanLAMan profile pictureAlaFanLAMan - October 22, 2016
Very good. Extremely smooth for a dark beer. My first. Will try again. profile - September 8, 2016
Better off tap but one of my favorite stouts
SpectreXMM profile pictureSpectreXMM - August 3, 2016
Best off tap and properly poured
B3agleboy profile pictureB3agleboy - May 8, 2016
So so on flavor but very creamy. It is like drinking a beer milkshake
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