Gouden Carolus Noël
Brewed By: Brouwerij Het Anker
Number of Ratings: 167
Style: Belgian Winter Warmer
Brewed In: Guido Gezellelaan 49, Mechelen, 2800, Belgium
ABV: 10.50%
IBU: 25
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 167
Style: Belgian Winter Warmer
Brewed In: Guido Gezellelaan 49, Mechelen, 2800, Belgium
ABV: 10.50%
IBU: 25
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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pobox88 - December 21, 2016
Loved this beer. Smooth, sweet and yeasty. Waterzooi in Garden City, NY
ImGodsfavorite - December 21, 2016
Strong syrupy. I detect cherry but no other review does.
SandraOsk - November 29, 2016
It's like drinking licorice!
Virg, Sr. - January 31, 2016
A bit heavy, syrupy. Otherwise, a nice Belgian style spiced ale.
LP1 - November 28, 2015
Good one. Anise is noticeable. Smooth taste and finish. Good one. Nice winter beer.
mhof31 - July 1, 2015
If you like anise you will like this. Lots of anise flavor.
undrling@hotmail.com - March 19, 2015
Some sources up front, sweet Carmel middle, boozy finish. Belgians aren't my favorite but this isn't too bad. Gets better as you drink it
dkrenik - December 23, 2014
Dark mahogany with creamy, fine textured head. Lightly roasted malt, plums, spice round out the nose. Medium full bodied with fine carbonation, slightly sweet plummy fruit with abundant malt.
While I'm not a great fan of the style, this one does it well.
Fireballlk - December 13, 2014
Clive and anise, caramel, a little sweet in aftertaste; dry, different, good
DaveyBoySwagg - April 26, 2014
Pours chestnut brown with ruby red highlights from the bottle into a snifter. A one finger head slowly recedes to a thin off-white, tannish film. Moderate lacing. Smell: licorice, and honestly nothing else. Taste: licorice up front, with a good malt middle, and a mulling spices sort of finish. The mouthfeel is moderate, but thinner and drier than I expected (granted, that's not necessarily a bad thing). Overall: I hate licorice. This tastes mostly like licorice. Therefore, I highly dislike this beer.