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Brewed By: Brouwerij Girardin

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 26

Style: Gueze

Brewed In: Belgium

ABV: 5%

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Image contributed by: Groovyslick

Tasting Notes

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bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - September 18, 2013
Lightly cloudy yellow. Really musty barnyard nose. Very funky. Very tingly and expressively barnyard and leathery. Light body. 4.75
daron7 profile picturedaron7 - May 17, 2013
Excellent gueze.
dkrenik profile picturedkrenik - March 8, 2013
Golden color. Darker than most Gueuzes. Nice creamy head. Sour citrusy aromas are echoed on the light palate. Nice stuff.
smells like poor profile picturesmells like poor - June 19, 2012
P: 37.5cl bottle into tulip A: hazy orange with two finger off white head. Little lacing A: Tons of funk and sour notes. Vinegar with a bit of straw. Basically only detect general citrus aroma. T: Good lord this is sour! Tons of lemon-lime sourness that is pretty puckering. I also pick up some floral notes and a bit of oak to a lesser extent. M: thin, yet creamy with tons of carbonation. O: This is one damn good gueuze. It instantly became one of my favorites upon my first sip. Now only if this was available in WV...
achabotl profile pictureachabotl - September 24, 2011
Would not have it again.
achabotl profile pictureachabotl - September 24, 2011
Very soft bubble. Slightly sour. Clear, almost like champagne (actually has a cork cap).