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Brewed By: Tröegs Independent Brewing (Troegs)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 351

Style: American Barleywine

Brewed In: 200 East Hersheypark Dr, Hershey, PA 17033, USA

ABV: 9.30%

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Image contributed by: bds197

Tasting Notes

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jaskolkajo profile picturejaskolkajo - September 7, 2016
Good beer.
jarm profile picturejarm - October 21, 2014
Very good flavor. Hops are a little hot. Malty raisin flavor with strong hop aftertaste.
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - August 2, 2014
Below average barleywine.. Kind of rough.. High abv...2.5 stars and that's generous..not impressed especially cuz it was a 5 star recommendation..
Rad1cal profile pictureRad1cal - April 12, 2014
Kinda like Cleveland - not a lot of there there.
rwman profile picturerwman - March 23, 2014
First barley wine and can't stop... goooood..
BDick profile pictureBDick - September 28, 2013
I give it a 3.8/5. Good but not great barleywine. Nice flavor with a slight bitter finish
DBone49 profile pictureDBone49 - July 23, 2013
Strong flavors... Bourbon casks? Very alcoholic
pgowling profile picturepgowling - February 27, 2013
Smooth, slight bourbon, does not taste like 100 IBU's.
kmarsh profile picturekmarsh - December 20, 2012
Touch of the hops, a load of the caramel. It's like alcohol candy. Or that alcoholic Candy from your office. She's sweet, but with a hint of a dangerous edge. I mean, she keeps asking you to go to happy hour with her friends, but you say no because you're just a little concerned that they'll gang up on, steal your money, beat you, and you'll end up naked, except for your socks, in an alley downtown. That's what this beer is like! profile - November 4, 2012
Nice hop nose and flavor layered with coffee and chocolate notes.
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