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Brewed By: Natty Greene's Pub & Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 56

Style: English IPA

Brewed In: 345 S. Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401, USA

ABV: 5.80%

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Elm Street IPA

Image contributed by: Snarl1017

Tasting Notes

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PKS profile picturePKS - September 30, 2014
Great malt flavor with good English hop flavor and well balanced. profile - June 29, 2014
Super smooth, not as hoppy as an American ipa. Delicious!
09tarheel profile picture09tarheel - May 25, 2013
Heavier than anticipated, more like a session beer. Not too hoppy for an IPA
edwinj profile pictureedwinj - April 27, 2013
Very mild for an IPA. Smooth and easily drinkable. ABV could sneak up on you with this one because of how it almost drinks like a session beer. Great nose and mild hops aftertaste.