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Brewed By: Stone Brewing Company (Sapporo Breweries)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 25

Style: American Strong Ale

Brewed In: 1999 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, CA 92029, USA

ABV: 11%

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Depth-Charged Double Bastard

Image contributed by: ProfessorJeff

Tasting Notes

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snydera88 profile picturesnydera88 - August 2, 2017
Had it on tap at Hamilton kitchen
snydera88 profile picturesnydera88 - August 2, 2017
Awesome strong ale with toffee notes and enough hops to carry the malt. Can actually taste the alcohol which gave the finish a slight medicinal taste
nil profile picturenil - March 30, 2016
Hops and coffee beans make for a complex beer with a surprisingly refreshing quality typically unfound in double IPAs or beers weighing in at 11% ABV.
kletis profile picturekletis - March 5, 2016
Lots of coffee and chocolate, good balance. Delicious
LakeShow316 profile pictureLakeShow316 - January 5, 2016
You can only get this in a bastard box. Love these Stone Bastard packs during winter time. Toasted espresso coffee notes with each initial sip followed by an oakiness balanced by that familiar bastard bitterness and a toasty malty backbone w/o being sweet. Awesome stuff! profile - December 30, 2015
If you love double bastard and coffee notes in beer this is a must pick up amazing beer by Stone
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - December 22, 2015
Ruby in color with a thin off white head. Has a nice dark roasted espresso aroma followed by a strong boozy aroma. Can tell this beer packs a punch. Medium in body has a very soft mouthfeel. Intense coffee flavors at the forward followed by some roasted chocolatey notes and then a boozy warming finish. Very very enjoyable would definitely have again.
ProfessorJeff profile pictureProfessorJeff - November 21, 2015
Far too strong espresso flavor my enjoyment. But it's definitely well-made.