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Brewed By: Cerveceria Modelo S.A. de C.V. (ABInBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 8842

Style: American Light Lager

Brewed In: Campos Elíseos #400, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City, 11000, Mexico

ABV: 5.0%

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Image contributed by: Jackets60

Tasting Notes

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Beerguy33 profile pictureBeerguy33 - June 29, 2015
12oz bottle into a plastic cup. Pours a straw yellow. Aroma is corn adjuncts and skunk. Mouthfeel is light. Taste is corn, rice and slight skunkiness. No metallic taste like other AAL's actually very crisp and smooth going down. If I was in a pinch I'd have it again but not if there were other options. Flavored club soda
Dr Monkey profile pictureDr Monkey - June 27, 2015
Tastes like summer
tiferooni profile picturetiferooni - May 20, 2015
Generic and very light, but an ok go-to. Easy to drink.
mhamburg profile picturemhamburg - May 10, 2015
Crappy but goes well with spicy food. profile - April 15, 2015
Pretty typical light beer. Not bad but not special. Drank at hotel in cancun
Brittneezy profile pictureBrittneezy - February 16, 2015
Same as the regular...perfect with the lime!
honts profile picturehonts - November 24, 2014
Key West Beer
Dawgvet profile pictureDawgvet - September 17, 2014
Might as well have water. Strongest flavor is usually the lime added to it.
gdaddy55 profile picturegdaddy55 - August 23, 2014
Decent summer beer w/ spicy food. Lime a must.
smtilley profile picturesmtilley - July 4, 2014
Crap beer but with fewer calories
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