Cabin Fever Honey Bock
Brewed By: New Glarus Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 273
Style: Honey Bock
Brewed In: 2400 WI-69, New Glarus, WI 53574, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 273
Style: Honey Bock
Brewed In: 2400 WI-69, New Glarus, WI 53574, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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DP Al - May 2, 2019
A very good seasonal offering
Bonzo - November 30, 2015
A little bitter not bad
RyanM - July 10, 2015
Just a hint of sweetness makes this a good summer beer.
efry690 - May 10, 2015
Like everything they make...perfect. - February 12, 2015
Sweet and nutty
PolaDaBear - February 22, 2014
Good easy to drink bock. Honey really shines through on this one. Smooth, not much carbonation, very subtle hops. Pretty good brew.
Jimbo99 - March 24, 2013
Honey seems to really seems to smooth out the taste.
Kr8iveBeer - November 28, 2012
Honey color. Clean almost no smell. Mouthfeel is smooth on the tongue with slight carbonation. Gives it a really nice sense with the slight honey flavor. Overall it's a really good beer. No so much for the taste, but the experience in drinking it. Smooth almost creamy.
sjohnny - July 3, 2012
Nice. Smooth and light but still has some body.
andrewsbromley - September 3, 2011
Scant bitterness balanced nicely by a light sweetness with a very creamy mouthfeel.