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Brewed By: Brooklyn Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 5619

Style: American Amber Lager

Brewed In: 79 North Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA

ABV: 5.20%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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rlmaria73 profile picturerlmaria73 - December 26, 2014
Refreshing, but full-flavored after a long hike
iman2464 profile pictureiman2464 - December 13, 2014
Heavy for a lager. Fairly bland, but notable taste is yeasty.
Xavier profile pictureXavier - December 10, 2014
It's fine. Nothin special
Dawgvet profile pictureDawgvet - December 5, 2014
Nothing exciting. Bland flavor
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - October 20, 2014
Below average lager.. Nothing memorable, lacking substance, flavor, maltiness, etc..
steadfast profile picturesteadfast - October 4, 2014
It's good
Opsman profile pictureOpsman - September 28, 2014
Nice lager
planter profile pictureplanter - September 28, 2014
Average lagar, not much taste hoppy aftertaste. profile - September 20, 2014
Used to like it. Not enough taste now
spark540 profile picturespark540 - September 17, 2014
Decent for a lager but not a fan to begin with. Minimal head, crisp, with little taste although it has more flavor than other typical light domestics. Definitely a beer you can drink a lot of in one sitting due to the lightness. I could not finish a pint and would not drink again.
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