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Brewed By: Hoppin' Frog Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 643

Style: Russian Imperial Oatmeal Stout

Brewed In: 1680 E Waterloo Rd, Akron, OH 44306, USA

ABV: 9.4%

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Tasting Notes

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ata119 profile pictureata119 - May 29, 2014
Good flavor but way too thick for my liking.
mhorgel profile picturemhorgel - April 23, 2014
Dark as espresso with coffee and caramel notes.
whoopn profile picturewhoopn - March 7, 2014
Good oatmeal stout. Not as rich as Avery's oatmeal stout (the one in a grey packaging) but still good.
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - February 21, 2014
Yummy! Mahogany in color with a slight khaki head and malty oaty aromas. Medium body and slightly boozy with oaty chocolate flavors and a boozy back end. Very enjoyable, would get again profile - December 22, 2013
Very smooth. Thick feeling, like a big oatmeal stout should. Slight hint of black licorice, turns some off. Overall very good.
Nole profile pictureNole - December 4, 2013
Superb. I'm lucky. My wife is from akron and when we vistlit the brewery is 5 minutes from the house. Guess where I spend most of my time?
JBR profile pictureJBR - November 30, 2013
Very nice brew. Very coffee/ chocolate head with a very smooth finish. Little lingering after taste.
Beezer111 profile pictureBeezer111 - October 22, 2013
it's flavor, some coffee undertones has a carbonation feeling on the tongue, little bit of chocolate
BuckeyeNation profile pictureBuckeyeNation - July 20, 2013
Absolutely terrible!
nwolkenh profile picturenwolkenh - April 4, 2013
Very chocolatey, sweet, but you can really taste the alcohol up front.
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