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Brewed By: Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1068

Style: English Barleywine

Brewed In: 905 Line St, Easton, PA 18042, USA

ABV: 11.10%

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Image contributed by: trentsmith82

Tasting Notes

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CoffeyMachine profile pictureCoffeyMachine - September 29, 2013
Similar to the Dogfish 120 min. A little too strong for me.
Beezer111 profile pictureBeezer111 - September 10, 2013
Little carbonation, great "wine" taste, could drink a lot, but the abv is too high!
BDick profile pictureBDick - September 8, 2013
afs2011 profile pictureafs2011 - August 9, 2013
Slightly heavy yet refreshing mouthfeel, hints of malt and what seems to be chocolate and/or cherry, lingering finish. I gave it three stars because I don't enjoy the metallic aftertaste.
smerk profile picturesmerk - July 30, 2013
Really good beer will but it will put you on your ass after two or three.
ml_hyatt profile pictureml_hyatt - July 9, 2013
Sweet with a smooth finish. Not highly carbed but has a nice crisp feel. Alcohol taste pretty well hidden. Don't know how to describe it but it sort of switches taste while going down. Delicious beer.
dbeats profile picturedbeats - May 17, 2013
Tastes stronger with each sip.
wanderkons profile picturewanderkons - May 9, 2013
Strong with Peach aftertaste
Sir profile pictureSir - April 23, 2013
Closer to that barleywine taste I like but has a bit of an aftertaste that knocks off a star
Tony the Brewman profile pictureTony the Brewman - March 19, 2013
Nice blend from the early malts to sweet finish. Not boozy but you know it's got an ABV kick. Pair with some bitter chocolate after a meal and be sure to allow it to reach the right temperature.
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