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Brewed By: Side Project Brewery

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Number of Ratings: 1

Style: American Wild Ale

Brewed In: 7373 Marietta Ave, Maplewood, MI 63143-3101, USA

ABV: ?

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Blended 2017

Image contributed by: davl22

Tasting Notes

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davl22 profile picturedavl22 - May 5, 2017
Light and hazy, golden honey color, effervescent with a spritzy white head that settles pretty quickly and then leaves a halo of constant bubbles, aroma is stone fruit, peaches and apricots, hay, lemon, light funk, white wine and oak, melon and aged hops, flavor is all that plus grain and a tight, but not over the top, acidity. Really nice American interpretation of gueuze. Very complex and drinkable. Jester King's spon is still the closest I've had to traditional gueuze.