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Brewed By: Michigan Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 94

Style: American Pale Lager

Brewed In: Michigan, United States

ABV: 4.2%

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Badass American Lager

Image contributed by: Terry

Tasting Notes

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terrisaurus rex profile pictureterrisaurus rex - July 29, 2015
I kind of imAgine that this is what pig piss tastes like. NASTY! profile - February 12, 2015
There is nothing badass about this. I swear they put PBR in a bottle and gave it a different name. It sucks
BCR3 profile pictureBCR3 - September 5, 2012
Good more mainstream lager with a bolder taste for a lager.
Ryan1223 profile pictureRyan1223 - July 8, 2012
The least "badass" beer I've ever had. Pours a very clear very light yellow with foamy white head that quickly fades. Smells kind of like... Water? Not a lot of aroma. Taste is similar- basically water. A little sweetness in the aftertaste, but that's the most exciting thing about this. Overall, definitely wouldn't get another.
Ryan1223 profile pictureRyan1223 - July 8, 2012
The least "badass" beer I've ever had. Pours a very clear very light yellow with foamy white head that quickly fades. Smells kind of like... Water? Not a lot of aroma. Taste is similar- basically water. A little sweetness in the aftertaste, but that's the most exciting thing about this. Overall, definitely wouldn't get another.
pogo177 profile picturepogo177 - June 28, 2012
Extra pale yellow. White head. Mild corn like aroma. Sweetness hits and it stays one note throughout. Very mild hop profile. Better than bud but not by much. Bottle. 6/28/12
wvufan999 profile picturewvufan999 - December 20, 2011
Smooth, great tasting beer.
Big Jake profile pictureBig Jake - December 1, 2011
Swill no hops at all like drinking air. I'd rather drink Keystone or Goebel