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Brewed By: Avery Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 37

Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale

Brewed In: 4910 Nautilus Ct N, Boulder, CO 80301, USA

ABV: 8.12%

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Image contributed by: soxrox

Tasting Notes

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pogo177 profile picturepogo177 - July 15, 2012
Light brown, mild haze, tall off white head. Spicy aromas. Slightly sugary sweet comes out on the nose. Mild bitterness blended nicely into a well balanced saison. Very nice. Belgian flavors galore. Very nice. Bottle. 7-15-12. profile - February 4, 2012
A bit confusing. I was looking for a saison and found something else. It's okay.
soxrox profile picturesoxrox - September 25, 2011
Good saison rye beer