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Brewed By: Russian River Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 88

Style: American Blonde Ale

Brewed In: 725 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA

ABV: 4.50%

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Aud Blonde

Image contributed by: dwagner003

Tasting Notes

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Ern Dog profile pictureErn Dog - October 6, 2016
An exceptional blonde ale, lighter what I'm used to. Cheers from SoCal USA 10/5/16 profile - November 12, 2015
Amazing. Grape fruit totally drinkable
imfisher profile pictureimfisher - August 24, 2015
Delightfully light and fluffy. Smooth and delicious. Great beer
jmile profile picturejmile - June 12, 2015
Great slight grapefruit flavor. Hoppy front, citus back profile - January 12, 2015
Grapefruit aroma but not in a good way.
eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - July 16, 2014
It's a beery blonde with the light crystal malts I don't like. Ashley: B-
tinalakepia profile picturetinalakepia - February 2, 2014
Bitter. Malty apricot. profile - August 1, 2013
Just not very good
cocamide profile picturecocamide - April 28, 2013
Light and refreshing, but not much flavor
ve2011 profile pictureve2011 - February 27, 2012
Great blonde!